Memo: New York Voters Favor a Vision of Progressive Government, Support Key Statewide and Federal Progressive Priorities

In August 2021 Data for Progress surveyed 823 likely New York voters, around a number of legislative priorities. We find that voters overwhelmingly agree with a progressive worldview of state government, and strongly support a number of progressive proposals, including the recently passed millionaire’s tax, providing rental assistance to low-income New Yorkers, passing climate resilience policies, and establishing Overdose Prevention Centers. We also find strong support for federal policies including the national voting reform bill known as the For the People Act and creating an earned pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children and essential workers. 

These results are consistent with those from a similar April 2021 Data for Progress survey, indicating that likely New York voters are drawn to a vision of government that invests in the common good.