State and District-Level Support for the American Jobs Plan

Congress is considering President Biden’s American Jobs Plan which will create millions of good-paying jobs modernizing our nation’s infrastructure and transitioning to an equitable clean energy future. In April 2021, Data for Progress and the League of Conservation Voters conducted a national web panel survey to assess the attitudes of likely voters towards the American Jobs Plan, specifically the key climate and clean energy components of the proposal. The project allows us to look at modeled support levels for these climate and clean energy components in every Congressional district and state in America.

Voters across the country — in Red states and Blue states — overwhelmingly support the American Jobs Plan. From eliminating all lead drinking water pipes to expanding clean energy tax credits, voters back federal investments to create good-paying jobs, tackle the climate crisis, and address environmental injustices. As lawmakers debate the size and scope of the final legislation, it is clear that voters overwhelmingly support keeping the critical climate and clean energy provisions of the American Jobs Plan in the final bill passed by Congress. To see how voters support the American Jobs Plan across the country, explore the map below. 



To provide estimates of opinion at the congressional district and state level, a machine learning model was trained on nationally representative survey responses linked to a commercial voter file. The model accounts for individual demographic characteristics, vote history, and primary participation as well as a number of political and demographic characteristics of the respondents’ census tract. Once trained on our survey data, the model is used to estimate opinion in the population of registered voters. The process used is known as MRP (or Multilevel regression with poststratification). 

Support is displayed in terms of two-way support, excluding individuals who said they didn’t have an opinion. Since MRP is a support estimation technique, the margin of error, or measure of uncertainty, will be roughly double that of a polling instrument. The model remains informative, especially when comparing values, but it is important to be aware of its additional uncertainty.

Survey Questions

1. Investments in clean energy jobs

Do you support or oppose the government making investments to create good-paying jobs in clean energy?

  • Strongly support

  • Somewhat support

  • Somewhat oppose

  • Strongly oppose

  • Don’t know

2. The American Jobs Plan

President Biden recently introduced the "American Jobs Plan", a proposal to invest $2.3 trillion over the next 8 years to create millions of new, good-paying union jobs modernizing America's infrastructure and transitioning to an equitable clean energy future. The plan includes the following proposals:

  • Repairing roads and bridges to be more resilient to flooding, extreme weather, and natural disasters

  • Eliminating all lead pipes and upgrading aging drinking water systems

  • Expanding broadband internet service to reach all Americans

  • Building new renewable energy projects including wind and solar power

  • Investing in new American energy innovation

  • Reducing pollution and improving energy efficiency in homes, schools, and childcare centers

  • Cleaning up abandoned mines and abandoned oil and gas wells. 

Do you support or oppose the American Jobs Plan?

  • Strongly support

  • Somewhat support

  • Somewhat oppose

  • Strongly oppose

  • Don’t know 

3. Eliminating all lead pipes

The American Jobs Plan includes investments to eliminate all lead pipes and service lines in America’s drinking water systems to ensure that all Americans have access to clean drinking water.

Do you support or oppose including these investments in the American Jobs Plan?

  • Strongly support

  • Somewhat support

  • Somewhat oppose

  • Strongly oppose

  • Don’t know

4. Expanding clean energy tax credits

Do you support or oppose the federal government expanding tax credits and other financial incentives to increase American manufacturing of clean energy technologies and clean energy industries like solar panels and wind turbines?

  • Strongly support

  • Somewhat support

  • Somewhat oppose

  • Strongly oppose

  • Don't know

5. Delivering 40% of AJP investments to disadvantaged communities

Do you support or oppose including a provision in the American Jobs Plan to deliver 40 percent of the benefits of climate and clean infrastructure investments to low-income communities, communities of color, and other disadvantaged communities?

  • Strongly support

  • Somewhat support

  • Somewhat oppose

  • Strongly oppose

  • Don’t know

6. Clean energy investments will have positive outcomes

Which statement comes closer to your view, even if neither is exactly right?

  • Government investments to create new clean energy jobs will grow our economy and ensure we leave a sustainable future for our children.

  • Government investments to create new clean energy jobs will devastate our economy and kill jobs

  • Don’t know

7. Climate change is real

Do you believe that climate change is real?

  • Yes

  • No

8. Congressional action on climate change

How important or not important do you think it is that Congress takes action to address climate change?

  • Very important

  • Somewhat important

  • Not very important

  • Not at all important