Of nine potential funding priorities for the U.S. government, the least popular is investments in cryptocurrency.
Voters oppose deportations when presented with a wide variety of real-life scenarios.
A plurality of voters — including 67% of Democrats and 61% of Independents — say the U.S. is becoming more oligarchic.
This new polling from Data for Progress and BlueGreen Alliance shows that communities are much more willing to lend support to a project that commits to empowering and uplifting workers.
Less than half of voters believe Congress (42%) and political parties (34%) are effectively addressing Americans' needs.
One-third of voters (35%) say that recent crashes have made them less likely to fly on a plane.
Alaska voters, especially parents, support the majority caucus’s push for a broad increase in per-student funding.
The survey finds that young voters are enthusiastic about the 2024 election and overwhelmingly think voting is an effective means to create change.
Despite the benefits that service year programs can bring to those just starting their careers, young people have limited awareness of the ACC, service year programs, and the green sector in general.
Almost three-quarters of Michigan voters (73%) support making polluters pay for damages from climate disasters.
These findings point to climate action that prioritizes the co-creation of projects with communities and seeks to distribute the economic and environmental benefits equitably.