Recent Briefs
Voters oppose deportations when presented with a wide variety of real-life scenarios.
Voters continue to support a humane approach to immigration when framed around real people and their stories.
The actions most frequently listed as Biden’s worst in office are his age and health and his initial decision to run for a second term.
After reading a short description of the Drive SAFE bill, a majority of Michigan voters are in support.
Eighty-one percent of Democrats, 75% of Independents, and 59% of Republicans back medical data privacy measures.
Recent Reports
A bipartisan majority of voters say government officials are responsible for preventing exploitation of minors regardless of their immigration status.
In August 2021 Data for Progress surveyed 823 likely New York voters, around a number of legislative priorities. We find that voters overwhelmingly agree with a progressive worldview of state government.
From the end of April into early May, 2021, Data for Progress fielded surveys in ten states to measure support among likely voters for a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, TPS-holders, farmworkers and other essential workers.
President Trump has spent his years in the White House undermining U.S. immigration policy.
As part of a September survey of likely voters in the state of New York, Data for Progress tested attitudes towards a slate of progressive proposals and measured attitudes towards raising revenue or cutting public services.