Economic Issues Still the Priority for Midterm Voters

By Alvin Gunnion

With the 2022 midterm elections fast approaching, voters are starting to think about the factors that will influence their decision in November. In order to get a clear idea of where voters stand, as well as how attitudes have shifted, Data for Progress conducted a survey to determine which issues are top of mind for voters across the country. 

In a September poll, Data for Progress asked voters to choose from a list of issues and state which ones were most important for a candidate for Congress to prioritize. A plurality of voters (37 percent) list inflation as one of their top three priorities in the coming election — including 27 percent of Democrats, 38 percent of Independents, and 45 percent of Republicans.

Excluding inflation, the most important issues for Democrats ahead of the midterms are climate change, gun control, and abortion rights. Meanwhile, Republicans cite inflation, jobs and the economy, and immigration as their top issues.  Independents prioritize inflation, jobs and the economy, and the climate.


In addition, our poll also asked voters which two issues have made them more likely to vote in the upcoming election. A plurality of voters (49 percent) say that inflation and rising prices contribute to their decision to turn out, while 28 percent of voters say that the overturn of Roe v. Wade motivates their choice to go to the polls. 


We find that these priorities are split across party lines. While inflation and rising prices is still the top motivator overall, only 33 percent of Democrats rank it as a top issue, compared to 49 percent of Independents and 63 percent of Republicans. Overturning Roe is a top motivator for 45 percent of Democrats, 31 percent of Independents, and only 9 percent of Republicans. 


As the midterm elections approach, voters’ priorities are still in flux. Following the passage of the Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act, student debt cancellation, and a slew of other accomplishments, Democratic voters feel that it is time for Congress and the president to address some of the big-picture issues that are facing the country, including abortion rights and gun violence. 

But it’s not all clear skies for Democrats. While gas prices have started to come down, and voters have taken note (only 31 percent say that gas prices have risen in the last month), voters still feel that the cost of basic necessities is continuing to rise.

Our polling finds that a plurality of voters (49 percent) blame Democrats for the cost of food, gas, and other basic necessities, while only 21 percent blame the Republican Party. 


The continued relevance of the economy to likely voters shows that Democrats are still facing an uphill battle in the midterm elections. However, the importance of abortion to the Democratic base may help improve their chances.

As Democrats hold a trifecta in the federal government, voters need to see that they are taking action to fight inflation and legislating on the issues that are most important to the electorate. 

Alvin Gunnion (@alvingunnion) is a Communications Intern at Data for Progress