The FTC's Recent Actions and Proposals Command Wide, Bipartisan Support

By Anika Dandekar and Marissa Farmer

Under the Biden administration, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), led by Chair Lina Khan, has implemented an aggressive strategy on antitrust enforcement in an effort to protect consumers and small businesses, and rein in some of the nation’s largest corporations, especially Big Tech and Big Pharma. New Data for Progress polling finds that many of these recent actions by the FTC are widely popular among likely voters across party lines. 

Voters were asked about 11 of the FTC’s recent actions, all of which receive majority support among likely voters:

  • Banning false “Made in USA” labels (84% support)

  • Challenging drug patents from pharmaceutical companies (80% support)

  • Targeting scammers in the telemarketing industry (79% support)

  • Enforcing the “right to repair” (79% support)

  • Requiring car dealerships to disclose mandatory add-on costs (78% support) 

  • Preventing harmful corporate mergers (73% support overall)

  • Ordering Epic Games to pay a penalty for mishandling children’s data (73% support)

  • Requiring pharmaceutical companies to allow for more competition (72% support)

  • Banning non compete clauses in employment contracts (64% support)

  • Suing Amazon and Facebook for anticompetitive practices (58% support)

  • Banning Rite Aid from using facial recognition technology (55% support)

Support for these FTC actions reaches across party lines, with Democrats, Independents, and Republicans backing the actions listed above. 


Voters were also asked about several of the FTC’s recent proposals. In recent days, the FTC has made strides in finalizing a “click to cancel” subscriptions rule, requiring companies to allow for easy cancellation of subscriptions. This proposal is overwhelmingly popular across party lines — supported by 83% of voters, including 85% of Democrats, 86% of Independents, and 80% of Republicans.

Other newly proposed FTC rules also enjoy strong support among voters:

  • Banning junk fees (85% support)

  • Banning companies from monetizing children’s data (83% support)

  • Cracking down on AI companies that knowingly allow their platforms to be used to harm consumers (81% support)


Overall, voters across party lines widely approve of the FTC’s recent actions that protect consumers, workers, and small businesses, and fight against unfair monopolistic practices. Voters are particularly enthusiastic about the agency challenging pharmaceutical drug patents, enforcing “right to repair,” and cracking down on telemarketing scams. They also would strongly support the newly proposed “click to cancel” rule for subscriptions. This polling demonstrates that voters are largely supportive of the FTC’s strategy to rein in corporations, which has prioritized American consumers over wealthy interests.

Anika Dandekar (@AnikaDandekar) is a senior analyst at Data for Progress. 

Marissa Farmer is a polling intern at Data for Progress.

Abby Springs